[期刊論文] 賽加號案:國際海洋法法庭、緊追權、專屬經濟區 The M/V “SAIGA” (No.2) Case (Saint Vincent & The Grenadines v. Guinea), Judgment of July 1, 1999, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, 120 I.L.R. 143

[期刊論文] 燈塔案:領土主權之轉讓Lighthouses in Crete and Samos (France v. Greece), Judgment of October 8, 1937, P.C.I.J. Series A/B No.71, p.93.
[研討會論文] Formalizing Authenticity – The Implementation of the Indigenous Traditional Intellectual Creation Protection Act


主題:「賽加號案:國際海洋法法庭、緊追權、專屬經濟區 The M/V “SAIGA” (No.2) Case (Saint Vincent & The Grenadines v. Guinea), Judgment of July 1, 1999, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, 120 I.L.R. 143」

上期文章:上薩伏亞與基克斯省自由區案:情事變更原則 Case of the Free Zones of Upper Savoy and the District of Gex (France v. Swiss), Judgment of June 7, 1932, P.C.I.J. Series A/B No.46, p.95.