[期刊論文] 巴卡西半島案:條約之拘束力(兼論兩岸服貿協議)Case Concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea intervening), Judgment of October 10, 2002, ICJ Reports 2002, p.303.

[期刊論文] Cosmos 954號衛星損害賠償案:國際太空法原則 Cosmos 954Claim (Canada v. U.S.S.R.), (1979), 18 Int’l Leg. Mat (I.L.M.) 899.
[期刊論文] 多瑙河水閘系統計畫案:條約之遵守與違反 Case Concerning the Gabčikovo-Nagymaros Project (Hungary v. Slovakia), Judgment of September 25, 1997, ICJ Reports 1997, p.7.


主題:「巴卡西半島案:條約之拘束力(兼論兩岸服貿協議)Case Concerning the Land and Maritime Boundary between Cameroon and Nigeria (Cameroon v. Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea intervening), Judgment of October 10, 2002, ICJ Reports 2002, p.303.」

上期文章:Cosmos 954號衛星損害賠償案:國際太空法原則 Cosmos 954 Claim (Canada v. U.S.S.R.), (1979), 18 Int’l Leg. Mat (I.L.M.) 899.